
The Scientific Conference of Hellenic Medical Students (S.C.H.M.S.) is the pinnacle of the activities of the Scientific Society of Hellenic Medical Students (S.S.H.M.S.). The S.C.H.M.S. has been embraced by the academic community, as evidenced by the participation of thousands of medical students and hundreds of professors. This large participation, combined with the scientific level of the Conference, ranks it among the most timeless and crowded medical conferences in the country.

Within the framework of the Conference, students have the opportunity to develop a scientific and research project that is consistent with their interests, to familiarize themselves with the preparation and presentation of scientific papers, to get in touch with renowned professors, but also, to meet their fellow students and future colleagues from all over Greece and abroad. The theme of the Conference over time touches on a very wide range of scientific developments in all medical specialties and of course, covers the special interests of each conference.

The conference includes individual presentations in the form of Oral Presentations and E-posters as well as group presentations in the context of Round Tables. In addition, students can participate in practical medical skills seminars (workshops). In parallel with the conference, the Medical Olympics, a medical knowledge competition for students at a pre-clinical and clinical level, is also held, as well as the International Forum of Medical Students and Young Doctors which collaborates with recognized scientists from all over Greece and abroad.