Welcome Letter

Dear fellow students and colleagues,

We are thrilled to announce that this year the Scientific Congress of Hellenic Medical Students and the 18th International Forum of Medical Students and Junior Doctors will take place in the Cultural Conference Center of Heraklion. 

We, the students from the Chapter of Crete will be delighted to welcome you to one of the most anticipated student events of the year from the 24th to the 26th of May. 

The International Forum of Medical Students and Junior Doctors is a vital part of the Scientific Congress of Hellenic Medical Students for many years, giving us the opportunity to share our common passion for Medicine with fellow students from around the globe. 

The Event has multiple parts such as the Livestream of surgeries, round tables by experts discussing cutting edge knowledge of their respective fields and workshops intended to broaden your practical and theoretical knowledge. The main goal of our Congress is to bring young scientists together not only to elevate their own level of knowledge but also to create a sense of community between medical students around the world. 

Dear fellow students, we are the future of medicine so let’s grab this opportunity and make the best of it!